The second article in this great day, I will try to explain
about the wonders of Islam as recorded in the Islamic holy book Quran. The
scriptures will be fantastic, if in the scriptures not merely to discuss the
rules of religion, however, the scripture also talks about science, how to
socialize (socialize between man to his God, and man to the others), natural
phenomena, and others. And In The Holly Qur'an have it all, such as;
I. Theory
"Ubudiah", describes the religion, such as the worship of God Almighty as the Creator (ALLAH SWT), stories
of the whole Prophets, etc ... because too many verses of the Qur'an that
describe this theory, so I did not include them.
II. Scientific
theories, such as:
1. The Theory
about the formation of the universe (big bang theory), That this theory start
from gas, and finally closed by explosion(bang), it’s same with fussilat :
11,,” Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke ….”
2. The theory of
the separation of the Earth, and the sky which the eart and the sky are united
from the beginning of universeit’s same with al anbiya : 30,,” Have those who
disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity,
and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they
not believe?”,
3. The theory of
plant pollination by wind, it’s same with al-Hijr,: 22 “And We have sent the
fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you drink from it.
And you are not its retainers”.
4. The theory of
the formation of rain, it’s same with ar-Rum :48 “It is Allah who sends the
winds, and they stir the clouds and spread them in the sky however He wills,
and He makes them fragments so you see the rain emerge from within them. And
when He causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His servants, immediately they
5. Theory of
fetal development, recorded in the Quran, it’s wrot on holly qur’an long before the discovery of x-ray
equipment.. Long before modern science discovered the formation of the human
embryo, on the 7 M Qur'an has described the formation of the human embryo. Prof
Keith L Moore, professor of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
University of Toronto also has proved the truth of the word of Allah SWT that.
"I do not know anything about religion, but I believe
the truth of the facts contained in the Qur'an and the Sunnah," said
Moore, who was amazed with the content of the Qur'an that accurately describe
the development of human embryos.
“And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay” al
“Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging” al Mu’minuun:13
“Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot,
and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh],
and We made [from] the lump, bones,
and We covered the bones with flesh;
then We developed him into another creation.
o blessed is Allah , the best of creators.” al
6. The theory
explains that the sky and the earth consists of 7 layers, each one of it has
different function, such as known by us when we learn about the sky and the
earth in primary school. It’s same with al Baqoroh: 29

Sahih International
It is He who created for you all of that which is on
the earth. Then He directed Himself to the heaven, [His being above all
creation], and made them seven heavens, and He is Knowing of all things.
and each layer has a function of each It’s same with al

Sahih International
Then He directed Himself to the heaven
while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being],
willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come

Sahih International
And He completed them as seven heavens
within two days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the
nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the
Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
7. Natural
events, such as: halocline, vertical
zone in the oceanic water column in which salinity changes rapidly with depth,
located below the well-mixed, uniformly saline surface water layer. Especially
well developed haloclines occur in the Atlantic Ocean, in which salinities may
decrease by several parts per thousand from the base of the surface layer to
depths of about one kilometre (3,300 feet). In higher latitudinal areas of the
North Pacific in which solar heating of the surface waters is low and rainfall
is abundant, salinities increase markedly with depth through the halocline
layer. Pycnoclines, or layers through which water density increases rapidly
with depth, accompany such haloclines inasmuch as density varies directly with
total salt content. It’ same with:
“He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]” Ar
“Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses.”
Ar Rohman:21
and more science in the Quran, which I do not know, and I'll
try to find out and share it to you all
III. Social theory, including:
1. Good moral command
with the environment, such as:
• good moral towards fellow human beings, such as:
1. Command honest
in trade "wazinuu bil qisthoosi.... walaa tukhsiirul miizaan", it
means "to weigh with honesty, and do not reduce the dose / weight"
2. Prohibition of
arrogant act at all "walaa
tusho'iir khodzdzaka linnaas, walaa tamsyi fil ardhi maraha", it means
"do not raise your chin in front of the others(cause of arrogance), and do
not walk with arrogance",
3. Prohibition of
killing "laa taqtul nafsa... man yaqtul nafsa bigoiri haqqin, fakaannamaa
qotalannaasa jamii'an" it means " do not kill ...who kill a person
without rights (apparent reason, such as defending themselves from enemies /
their occupiers eg), then it is tantamount to killing all humans on earth
4. Prohibition of
war, Even the moslem people should not be the starter in fighting, except for
the reason “protecting from invaders”, as recorded in the Holy Qur'an,,,,
"Islam allowed people to fight in an oppressed and expelled (from his
5. Prohibition of
insulting people of different religions ," walaa tasubbul ladziina kafaruu
... "" and do not be insult non-Moslims ....
• good moral to the environment "walaa tabgiil fasaadaa
fiil ardyii ..." it means: "do not
mischief on earth, indeed GOD Almighty hates destroyer". And there
are many more verses that contains worship (worship of God the mighty One, the
story of the Prophet, religious law, etc.) and scientific theory.
Theories are recorded in the Qur'an several hundred years
ago, and the modern scientist descover
this theories in this present century. And indeed there are many more miracles
of Quran holy book of Moslems, but I can’t write it all, because I haven’t
learn more about that, so, I will try to
find it and share it to you all. So I created this article with all my
weakness, hopefully will usefull for you ....See you next time ...
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